Coaching Topics

I'm frequently asked what the best topics are to discuss during a coaching session. I understand why people want a list of "best" questions, but actually, the most useful topics will be tailored for your situation at home, work, or both. In other words, almost anything can be a topic for a coaching session if it will benefit you.

But for those of you who want a starting point, let's review some of the topics I most often address during my clients' sessions, organized into three buckets:

  1. job, 2. career, and 3. personal life.

What's the difference between job and career? When we discuss jobs, we're talking about something you do everyday to earn money and pay for personal expenses. Job-related topics deal with your present and near-future situation.

Career discussions typically require more long term planning and a focus on the type of work that you’re passionate about and that brings fulfillment and happiness to your daily life.

Personal life coaching topics speak to your personal values, overall mental and physical health, and establishing long-lasting happiness at home.

1) Job-Related Coaching Topics

  • My job affects my sleep. Why?
  • I feel stressed at work, but I'm unsure why. What are the root causes?
  • My boss doesn’t help me with career advancement. What do I need to do to move forward?
  • I think I'm ready for a promotion. I mentioned the possibility to my boss, but nothing is happening. How do I get the ball rolling?
  • I'd like to transfer to another team within our company, but how can I start this conversation with my boss?
  • When my peers disagree with my ideas, my reaction is to stop talking and shut down. How can I learn to use my voice in these moments?
  • I feel I'm not heard during meetings, or if I say the wrong thing, I might end up embarrassed in front of my peers. How do I more confidently share my opinions?
  • I just started a new role, and I feel like I'm not doing a good job and/or people are judging me. What do I need to do to quickly improve my performance?
  • I am not challenged at my current job. How do I know what to do next?
  • I don't know where I want to be in 1-3 years. How do I find the answer?
  • I often work with stakeholders and sometimes they ignore my requests and agreed upon commitments. How do I hold them accountable?
  • I received a performance review, but I don’t agree with the feedback. How do I approach this situation?
  • I want to get an entirely new job. What do I need to do?
  • I juggle many things at work, and I don’t have enough time to complete all my work. I know I can prioritize, but I worry I won't meet my team’s or boss’ expectations. How do I navigate this scenario?
  • I am new to this role. What’s the strongest way to ensure a great start?
  • I want to establish my personal branding at work. What do I need to do better? What should I do more of?
  • How do I overcome my self-doubt?
  • How do I improve my communication to become an effective public speaker?
  • I think I'm holding myself back. How do I work through these self-imposed restraints?

2) Career-related coaching topics

  • How do I know what I want to become in 3-5 years?
  • I want to advance my career to the next level. How do I prepare for this?
  • I am thinking about starting my own business to become an entrepreneur. Where should I start this journey?
  • I might want an MBA. Will getting one open more opportunities?
  • I was promoted but didn’t get the right title or the compensation plan I was expecting. How do I address this with my boss?
  • I want to leave my industry and pursue my dream career. How do you know when you are ready to make this move?
  • My job requires me to be more technical, so I'm considering a technical bootcamp. Is it worth my time and investment?
  • I don’t like my job, but I have no idea what else to do. How do I figure this out?

3) Personal Life-related coaching topics

  • I can control my emotions at work okay, but at home, I'm impatient with my family. How can I improve my home life?
  • I can’t seem to create a work/life balance; my work is too demanding and I'm stressed out. What can I do?
  • When I get angry or frustrated, what is the best way to control my emotions?
  • I procrastinate with my to-do list at home, but I'm not sure why? How do I get better about completing these tasks?
  • I'm tired of what I'm doing and want to do something completely different. How do I start this conversation with my partner?
  • I want to build a good habit or new routine, like reading a book once a month or going to bed earlier. What's my first step toward this goal, and what approach do I need to keep it going?
  • I eat processed food way too much, and I don’t exercise. How do I build a healthier lifestyle?
  • I spend my money on things I don’t need. Why do I do this, and how do I stop?

These lists are not exhaustive but think of them as a jumping off point. If any of these topics resonate with you, they're worth exploring with your coach. Together, you can decide which direction is best for you to pursue.

Schedule a session and let's talk about your topics and goals

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